Rocket SAP supply chain news and blog: Blog (2)

How Rocket is Delivering SAP Project Success with 100% Remote Delivery
Many businesses are rightly concerned about the potential impact of the developing situation with coronavirus. With a customer base across a broad range of industries we have seen..

How Performance Management Sustains Optimal Business Outcomes for SAP Digital Supply Chain Customers
High functioning organisations require effective employee performance management systems to promote core business values and develop expertise.

How Rocket De-risked Operations and Achieved Operational Efficiency
As an SAP Digital Supply Chain consulting and implementation partner, business expansion was at the heart of Rocket Consulting’s strategic road map from 2016. Our expertise and..

SAP Supply Chain Risk Management: The True Cost of Customer Service
Personalisation of products, value-add customer service offerings and next day delivery are a few examples of strategies we see clients aiming to provide to achieve heightened..

SAP Extended Warehouse Management ‘Basic’ vs ‘Advanced’ with S/4HANA
SAP’s Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) solution is steadily becoming one of the market’s leading warehouse management systems.

What the Mandatory SAP S/4 HANA Upgrade Means for My Business
There comes a time in the life of every business when it has to acknowledge that it has outgrown a once state-of-the-art IT system. This is usually driven by a combination of..

Finance & Profitability. The CFO’s Role in Supply Chain Decision-making
Whilst the roles of the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and ‘traditional’ supply chain teams are well defined and understood, the responsibilities of the Chief Finance Officer (CFO)..

#itelli2019 - Join Us and Learn More About SAP Applications
Rocket are proud sponsors of the #itelli2019 Conference. The full itelli2019 agenda with the volume of presentations, demonstrations and interactive learning is the perfect place..

SAP Transport Management Integrated with SAP EWM
There is a constant expectation to align supply requirements with the ever-changing customer demands, and transportation management is no exception. Organisations must be capable..

What are the Business Benefits of SAP Transportation Management (TM)?
Measuring logistical efficiency when you are already doing the best job possible seems futile, right?

The Real-Time Route to Twenty-First Century Logistics
SAP provides two transportation management solutions, each with a very different purpose in mind. SAP Logistics Execution Transportation offers a more affordable ERP-based system..

Data Management. Garbage In, Garbage Out
Data management is a prerequisite for the success of an IT implementation, but it also needs to be extended beyond the project and embedded into daily business life.

Accelerating Patient Outcomes Through Digital Integration
Closer collaboration between differing organisations that deliver care represents a different way of working for the NHS and is the basic idea behind accountable care – different..

SAP Drives IoT Adoption with Global Partner Network
SAP SE today announced that it has added a group of strategic partners to help more businesses adopt Internet of Things (IoT) technology.

Rocket Launch in Belgium
We are very pleased to announce the opening of our new office in Antwerp, Belgium. As the base for our new EU subsidiary Rocket is looking forward to expanding our European..

Delivering on Digital Transformation: 6 Questions to Answer First
As the world becomes evermore connected, there’s a lot of talk about digital transformation and the opportunity it offers. But what does it mean for your business? Do you need to..

Securing the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain to Protect Patient Safety
At the beginning of this year, the BBC reported that fake Valium was ‘cheaper than chips’ in Scotland, with counterfeit tablets linked to the deaths of several people in the..

How Could You Benefit From SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM)?
Warehouse Management (WM) software is deployed in many business environments and industries – from simple warehouses for raw materials to complex, high-volume and automated..

Why HANA is a Game-Changer for SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM)
It’s probably fair to say that adoption of SAP’s HANA in memory database, launched seven years ago, has been a ‘slow-burn’. Today, however, it’s starting to get the recognition it..

Driving Down Operational Cost with S/4 HANA
There comes a time in the life of every business when it has to acknowledge that it has outgrown a once state-of-the-art IT system. This is usually driven by a combination of..

Power to the People
The success of an IT project is determined by the organisational change management strategy.

SAP TM - Six Considerations for Successful Transportation
SAP Transport Management (SAP TM) is an established and proven freight logistics management environment which leverages data from existing SAP Supply Chain Management (SAP SCM)..

Investigating the Total Cost of Ownership for Hand-Held Devices
Look at every section of the supply chain, and the reliance on mobile devices is clear. From scanning and picking in the warehouse to customer sign-off of a delivery during the..

An Optimised Warehouse Needs an Optimised Yard
An optimised warehouse needs an optimised yard. How Rocket delivers visual tools through SAP’s EWM functionality for easy yard management

Limbering Up For Digital Disruption. Rocket’s Mission Control Methodology Adopts an Agile Approach
For many years, large-scale projects have been delivered successfully using a waterfall approach. This linear view agrees the design and desired outcomes at the beginning; the..

SAP EWM - Material Flow Technology for Distribution Centres
Material Flow System (MFS) is now an integrated component of SAP’s Extended Warehouse Management (EWM), which in itself is an efficient ‘off the shelf’, ready-to-go solution that..

Preparing for the Demands of Gen Z – S/4HANA, SAP Cloud & SAP Leonardo
Preparing for the demands of the Generation Z is driving technology and enabling radical business changes. Digital innovation platforms such as SAP Cloud Platform and SAP Leonardo..

Is Your Fleet Fit For Business – Every Journey?
Reducing risk and planning the route to competitive advantage.

360-Degree Visibility Can be a Reality for Connected Businesses
In a previous blog post, we looked at what connecting your mobile assets and making data smart could do for your business.

What Connecting Mobile Assets & Making Data Smart Means For Your Business
Imagine a vehicle fleet such as lorries, cars and vans or forklifts, that communicates potential issues before they occur so that pre-emptive action can be taken and uptime..