You Missed it! Transform Your Entire Supply Chain With Rocket, SAP and Arla

Looking to transform your supply chain or harness the power of innovative SAP solutions? We have the expertise and experience to drive your operational excellence.
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Whether you're looking to optimise your business processes or streamline your operations, we have the expertise and experience to help you achieve project success.
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Learn how our SAP solution extensions can help your workforce reduce reliance on manual paper based activities and ensuring the ever changing needs of your supply chain operational workforce is supported.
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We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and challenges. Explore our SAP expertise services to learn more.
For the past 10 years’ Rocket has been delivering supply chain operation solutions built around SAP technology, focusing on helping companies Run Better, Innovate and Go Digital to drive efficient business practises. In the last 5 years there has been a much greater focus on creating real-time, connected enterprises, that create proactive collaboration between customers, partners and suppliers.
Transform your entire Supply Chain with Rocket, SAP and Arla event in April 2017
Optimise and enhance the customer experience with ecommerce integration and personalisation. Digital Technology that creates proactive collaboration between customers, partners, and suppliers.
The primary objective was to help attendees better understand how to seize the opportunities of the digital economy relative to their own supply chains, whilst optimising and enhancing the customer experience.
"Ultimately, this event wasn’t about trying to fix a specific problem, but demonstrating what’s possible and allowing attendees to go away and think differently about their own businesses and how those businesses work in a digital economy"
SAP and Rocket presented and discussed Digital Supply Chain & Customer Experience Empowerment. The event offered great networking opportunities and a number of insightful sessions including:
• Business, Real-time Connected – seizing the opportunities of the digital economy
• Running a Real-time Connected Supply Chain - An interactive session
• The Role of Leonardo and SAP S/4HANA in Today's Supply Chain
• Supply Chain Solution Management
• Extended Warehouse Management – Arla Foods case study
The event received a fantastic turnout and was very well received. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with attendees taking inspirations from the day and translating these back into their businesses.
“Customers hear a lot in the market about digital supply chain and supply chain transformation and the good thing about events like this is they make customers understand how to turn those ideas into reality to meet their business needs”
Patrick Crampton-Thomas from SAP
“I would recommend you attend events like this in the future because it is a good opportunity for other people with similar challenges from the same or different industries and therefore learn from people who are at different stages of the journey”
Brent Crossman, Volac
“We had a lot of fun with the demos today, I think Rocket did a great job, they took us through an end to end story. How do I bring personalised product to market in a real connected, real-time way to make sure that the product arrived at the customer on time and in quality, it was a really nice demonstration.”
Patrick Crampton-Thomas from SAP
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And of course if you’re ready for lift off, or you’d like to find out more, please get in touch.